Make Shift Happen

Start Here!

Shift the Country is set up to drive civic engagement, public pressure, and voter turnout to create a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable democracy.

Use the guide below combined with any idea list and our 5 Things approach to get going.

Shift the Country is a nonprofit that promotes ideas for activities that people and groups can use to raise a ruckus, influence the narrative, and get voters fired up. Together we can do a million things in a million places to elect good people and to bring about transformative change.

Invite Us To Speak — Grow This Shift

If you know of people or groups who can do neat things with the ideas here, please help us get connected. We can do talks, calls, zooms, & training to get the word out. Invite us to speak, to do a workshop, or to do some coaching with your group.

Email, call (515) 375-9027, or book an appointment to talk as soon as possible. The 2024 election is coming fast.

Shift the Country will help catalyze, nurture, coach, cheer-lead, foment, promote, support, grow, and incite this work at every level as we have the volunteers, capacity, and funding to do so — so give us a holler. Let’s do this.

Book an appointment

More Ways To Get Involved

  • Invite us to speak to share this work, or for coaching. We speak to groups about how to do these ideas & activities. We also do coaching & empowerment to make this shift happen. Book an appointment to chat about ideas, for speaking engagements, or for coaching for your group.

  • Share our Substack posts here with friends, family, relatives, online, & in-real-life groups you’re in who can help us get this shift going.

  • Subscribe to this Shift the Country Substack — for free or paid!.

  • Volunteer! Sign up to volunteer here. Volunteers are essential to getting this shift going. Here’s what we’re asking volunteers to help us with.

  • Find community. Join our Community Rising Facebook group. It’s a community space for teamwork, connection, & community to help grow this shift.

  • Check out the main website at The website has our core 5 Things approach & background about the threats & risk behind the work.

  • Help fund this shift! This 501(c)(4) is relatively new & not yet funded at a consistent, sustainable level. More funds can help us run ads to bring in new participants & to spread the word. Funding would help us hire people to help do things to help grow this. More money helps us get wider permeation & reach. You can donate on this website, through ActBlue, through a Substack subscription (plus then you’ll get our announcements & info), through Patreon, through an Eventbrite event registration, or by check payable to: Shift the Country, PO Box 1093, Ames, Iowa 50014. Donations are not tax deductible.

  • Coming in September… Join an online event! Eventbrite:  Shift the Country.

Donate thru website

Donate thru ActBlue

Shift the Country — Social Media

Follow, like, & share our stuff to help ramp up engagement. As we collectively ramp up activity, our social media will get a whole lot more active.


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