Really an excellent piece. Keep it going. You represent the best of citizen activism. And you have all the right ideas. Thank you for your work.

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Thank you so much for this. We're getting up to speed here for sure to be ready for whatever happens next week. Hopefully we can step in and bring some options for whatever is next.


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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Shift the Country

Lots to chew on in this piece, Vanessa. There's so much happening--all at once and from so many directions--that sometimes it's head-spinning. But we can't afford that. We need to keep our heads in place, eyes forward and figure out how we can stop the onslaught.

Here's something you wrote that I think needs to be circulated far and wide:

//We all have to hold the democracy together, it’s not going to happen overnight, and it’s not going to happen by doing the same things we keep doing.

I’m not just talking about voting this fall.//

Clearly, we all MUST vote. In large numbers. And just as clearly, that isn't nearly enough. "We all have to hold the democracy together...." Let's hope when we wake up on November 9 that we still have one. And then let's pour our all into ensuring that it continues.

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Thank you thank you. I so appreciated getting this comment Friday, and wasn't in a good place to respond given that I was running around to go to MN (https://shiftthecountry.substack.com/p/stories-home-a-morphing-plan-a-surreal). Really appreciate the reaction. I appreciate the feedback, and your take on what we need to be repeating over and over. That's helpful, and I'll work to incorporate the idea. And hopefully over the next few weeks we'll be getting more people involved & broaden the conversation.


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