Nov 2, 2022Liked by Shift the Country

So much to unpack here! I've followed you for a while, Vanessa, and this is the closest I have seen about how you intend to take this whole thing forward. I'm liking what I'm seeing...and still need to fill in some of the details. I know they will come--I'm not pushing, I just need you to know where I am coming from. I love the 5 Things approach. Having been involved with nonprofits for years (both C-3s and a C-4), I know some of the ins-and-outs of that type of structure. I haven't figured out where my knowledge, talents and background (former HR executive) can be useful (some of those details that I need!), but I am with you and willing to see how this will shake out. Take a deep breath. You are on the cusp of something big--and lots of us are pulling for it to be successful. Because our democracy just may depend on this effort and others like it. What we've been doing has brought us to dire straits. Maybe it's not too late to Shift the Country and turn things around.

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Evelyn - thank you so very much. Good to hear. That's helpful.

I'm hoping we can get the vision and how we can operationalize it to be clearer over the next 6 weeks or so. Really probably 2 months by time it is scheduled and socialized to get people to events.

We've been working toward this because I suspected it was going to get bad like this. Hard to work in homeland security for a decade and not see these threats coming given what's unfolding in this country.

I know we have the capacity to turn this around. Now we have to decide at scale, collectively, if we will choose to.

Thank you again. Vanessa.

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