We're with you, Vanessa. Flexibility and resilience are what we need to Shift the Country. I'm glad you took the time you needed to regroup. It will serve you--and us--as you carry on. I think the biggest struggles lie ahead of us. We'll get through the midterms and then we'll need to figure out how to do damage control and succeed in 2024. It's going to be a rough ride, and we all need to figure out how to take care of ourselves while we continue to work to save our democracy.

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Thank you so much Evelyn. Your words are always so supportive. I think you are right that the biggest stuff is in front of us. And about damage control. That's all definitely what we want to be able to help with.

I've been thinking maybe the push to be ready for this election helps us be ready for whatever tougher stuff is coming. We'd not be as well positioned to do that if I hadn't been working so hard to get this far. Thank you again. Its very helpful.


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Looking down the road a bit, there are a lot of challenges coming. Big ones. We're going to need to be able to practice what Terry Pratchett called militant decency. One of the things about yoga (the stretches, not the spiritual practices) is that a lot of it is passive strength training -- as you stretch and learn to hold those new poses, you're doing the work to strengthen muscles. Strong, but flexible, is a good goal.

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Thank you. I've heard of that concept before. Appreciate the reminder. I think we're going to need to do that too.


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