Aug 31, 2022Liked by Shift the Country

What happened to American's ability to dream big? We did it when the colonists decided they'd had enough. We did it when Americans elected Abraham Lincoln. We did it when we joined with our allies to win World War I and World War II and went on to build the largest middle class the world had ever known. We did it when we sent men to the moon. We did it when we elected Democrats who supported the rights of women, the LGBTQ community, immigrants, Black people and other people of color. We've DONE it! We can do it again--particularly now that we have our backs against the wall with a corrupt Republican party and a reactionary Supreme Court. We MUST do it again if we want to save our democracy. So let's start here. Let's start now. Let's figure out how to win back and the Senate, hold the House and make progress!

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Oh I so love this Evelyn. Thank you so much. That's exactly the kind of thing I was thinking of too! Great minds think alike, and all that. And great thinking is exactly what we need. Really appreciate this. -Vanessa

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