
Oh, my my. So much here. So much t-r-o-u-b-l-i-n-g here. I cringed when I heard the first report about Biden; my thought was, well, what can he say NOW about trump. And then the story kept getting worse. It really wasn't until later that I began to think about the larger implications for our security. And for our rule of law. Joe's just being Joe, shruggin' it off as "no big deal." It's a friggin' big deal! Especially when you combine it with the very real threats of the Republicans to refuse to raise the debt ceiling. I know we all thought we were on dangerous ground when trump was president. I honestly think the ground is much, much shakier now. Joe may have all the best intentions, but I worry whether he can lead us out of this mess, one that he has very much contributed to himself.

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Evelyn I so very much appreciate this comment. Sorry for the delayed response this week, but I did see this on the email when it came in. It is so helpful to hear that others are thinking similarly. We got some unsubscribes after this post. While it could be anything and it's not totally unusual, my sense is that sometimes people are not happy about criticism of Democratic leadership. Yet I think we need to be honest, too, especially when our leadership makes mistakes and unfortunate decisions. I also (obviously) think we need to shift our messaging. Both the White House and President Biden's messaging on this subject in particular have been at the very best sub-optimal. I am with you. This is a big deal.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Shift the Country

Even his comments yesterday, "There's no there there..." What's so sad about the whole issue is that it is self-inflicted! I don't understand why the moment the story broke about classified documents at Mar-a-Lago that Biden didn't dispatch his team to make absolutely sure there was nothing that could bite him. Didn't happen and now we have this mess. As for your observation that people aren't happy about criticism of Democratic leadership--it's time they get real. We don't expect our leaders to be perfect. We do expect them not to shoot themselves in the foot, and to honorably assess problems and own up to them when they occur. That hasn't happened. That's worth criticizing--especially when you consider the national security implications. Trust me, I don't want to be part of Shift the Country if it seeks merely to rage about the Republicans. I want it to be a movement that rages against the bad stuff in government and politics--wherever it happens. And sometimes that means there will be criticism of the Democrats. If they are the "grownups" in the room, they'll need to be able to take it and learn from it. And that goes for their followers, too.

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Well thank you again, Evelyn. Every comment you make is so powerful. Appreciate your reinforcing of the direction we're headed in with this nonprofit. It's name is about shifting our direction as a country, for sure - we're not even at our base mission set up to be a rage machine. I think I get some stage fright about criticizing Democrats in public. I suppose that's because every time I have, I've gotten pushback. But I ALSO get reactions like yours; and from other people who are straight up ticked off at the Democrats and at a few in particular. I so love your point about being the "grownups" too. Right. On. We should all be able to learn and grow and evolve. The reminder is helpful.

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