
Couldn't agree with you more, Vanessa. The media are dwelling on the latest trump/DeSantis whatever. I firmly believe the media played a HUGE role in why trump was elected in 2016 because of how they covered his every breath. It fed his ego--even the supposedly "bad press." It was fodder for his acolytes. And it took all the air out of the room, so to speak, for coverage of anything else. The juggernaut paused for a few seconds when he lost the election in 2020. And it looked it may have run its course after January 6 happened. But when there were NO consequences for January 6 (still hoping...still waiting...) it fired right back up. DeSantis seemed to think he could horn in, but I think his 15 minutes of fame would have expired--except trump has figured out that blasting DeSantis benefits him. At.least.that's.the.story.the.media.push. We have GOT to change the narrative. We need to make sure there is buzz for Biden--and all the downballot Democrats who run. Buzz for the Democrats is essential for Biden to stand a chance of winning against a Republican Party that has demonstrated it will stoop to stealing the election if that's what it takes--unless people who vote for Democrats turn out in large enough numbers to overwhelm the Republicans' efforts. Please note I said "people who vote for Democrats" because I honestly believe a lot of fed up Republicans are tired of the lies and shenanigans of the Republican Party and will be willing to vote for Democrats--if the message gets out and it is welcoming. The only way we will Shift the Country is to find a way to embrace disgruntled Republicans. And that's going to take a whole lot of ruckus!

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Evelyn - Excellent comment, as per usual. This is fantastic... and timely. Really helpful for what I'm working on today. I appreciate the reinforcement and underlining here - it's invaluable. Plus I appreciate the qualifier there at the end - "people who vote for Democrats." That's good language and a good point. - Vanessa

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