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May 11, 2023Liked by Shift the Country

Yes. All of this. And...at least part of the answer to Why? is that the Republicans want as many people to have guns as possible. The more the merrier, because it feeds their delusions. About overthrowing the government. Their fascist delusions. If they can't win elections honestly, they've proved they are willing to attempt to steal them. And since that didn't work out so well, they've crossed the Rubicon of embracing whatever is necessary to wrest power from the people, up to and including armed insurrection. Yah, they tried that, too. The next time--and there will be one unless we DO something about all the damn guns--they may even succeed. Or at least wreak even more havoc than they accomplished January 6.

As for people you know, your family, the people you live with eating it up...that's part of the plan. To normalize guns. To make those people "feel safe" because they've got "protection"; it's too bad that they don't understand they need to be worried about protecting themselves FROM the Republicans. It feels almost blasphemous to say this, but I am beginning to look back on trump's term as being "easy" compared to where the country is now. He managed to unleash all of the nation's darkest tendencies--and now, they are running virtually unchecked. He emboldened them. And as long as he walks free, as long as he can run again for president, those tendencies will grow stronger and more violent--and guns play a pivotal role in the grand plan.

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